Work From Home Tips to Increase Your Productivity!

Within the last decade, the term “work from home” has seen a huge increase in popularity. Prior to last year, it was already becoming more commonplace for offices to offer remote or hybrid work options for employees. However, changes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic forced many of us to shift towards an indefinite, full time remote work setup in 2020.

While working from home offers its fair share of benefits (such as getting to work in your PJs, getting some extra sleep in the morning and eliminating any commute-related stress), it also comes with its own set of unique challenges. Not getting to work inside a designated office space can make it harder to stay focused, avoid procrastinating or wisely manage your time.

To do our part in helping make remote life easier (before this all finally ends), we’ve put together three of our best tips on how to be productive while working from home — including one of the ways we can help.

Separate work time and personal time

For many of us working from home, it’s become easy for the lines between work time and personal time to blur. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to leave the office once it nears 5pm, wave goodbye to our coworkers as they leave to catch the next train or act on those cues that let us know it’s time to wrap things up for the day. Many employees have also adopted more flexible work schedules and veered away from the traditional 9-5 timeline.

Just as it’s important to meet your work-related targets and ensure you plan a productive day, it’s equally important to give yourself time for your home life as well. Not defining a clear boundary between when it’s time to work and when it’s time to clock out is likely to create more stress, cause you to feel burnt out and, in turn, affect your overall morale and productivity levels.

Some effective ways to separate work time and personal time may include:

  • Setting “do not disturb” notifications on any work-related platforms during off-hours

  • Finding out when your boss needs you to be available and meeting necessary timelines

  • Communicating your hours of availability to your coworkers

  • Once you’re finished for the day, not checking emails or messages until your next “shift” begins

Make sure your workspace is ergonomic

It’s probably safe to say that not all of us were equipped with a dedicated home office when we began working from home. While there are many reports of employees turning their kitchen table or their living room chair into a makeshift workstation, not having a comfortable space is bound to affect your ability to focus and stay productive.

Some ways to ensure you’ve set up an ergonomic workspace may include: 

  • Investing in a dedicated desk that’s adjusted to be an appropriate height for your body measurements

  • Working with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, while also keeping them at the same height as your desk

  • Keeping your wrists straight in front of you as you work

  • Investing in a chair that provides support for your back and thighs, in addition to allowing your thighs to be parallel to the floor and your feet to be flat against the floor (or a footrest)

  • Ensuring your monitor is positioned so that you can look at it from a straight, neutral angle

Invest in proper lighting (and how we can help)!
Suffice it to say, improper lighting can definitely make or break a workspace. Poor lighting can make it difficult to focus, result in headaches or eye strain, dampen your mood and fill your space with negative energy. All of these things are likely to impair your ability to be productive.

Many offices are set up with ambient lighting (including recessed or overhead lights) to lessen excess glare or distraction — but how can this be replicated in the home? 

While some solutions may include working alongside natural light or diffusing home lighting systems (such as using lampshades or adjustable desk lamps), our team at Condo Potlight also has our own customized solution that can provide your WFH setup with the perfect amount of workspace illumination.

The LightBox™ is the first of its kind in Canada and can provide the ultimate ambient lighting to set the tone for your space. It’s also easy to install on the concrete ceiling of any type of condo, making it a cost-efficient way to bring that office-like lighting into the comfort of your own home.

Contact Condo Potlight today!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our tips on how to be productive at home while working remotely!

To learn more about how we can help you complete your ideal home setup with LightBox™, contact our team today or learn more about how to get a quote. Based in Toronto and serving the GTA, our team at Condo Potlight is committed to providing your living space with the lighting your home deserves.

Ali Farahzad